Product type

Pa de pagès

The bread we call ‘pan de payés’ is characterised by its round shape and the fact that it is unsalted. It is made mixing flour with water and adding yeast. It is kneaded and fermented slowly. It can be white or brown, depending on the degree of refinement of the flour used.

The bread eaten by the peasants during the Muslim period was made with unrefined flour, and we have proof of this in the words of Ramon Llull: “Honradamente comió de aquel pan negro que el campesino comía…” (He honestly ate the black bread that the peasants ate…). Thus, the original and traditional bread is dark, brown bread. It has a slightly stronger smell than white bread, the crumb is more or less dark brown, and the crust is thicker and darker, which prolongs its shelf life. It is a product without chemical additives and the next day it is as good as the day before.